The MIT hackers are such fun! … [Read more...] about Wheee!
Little green men
There could be oceanic life on other planets, after all. Nyah! … [Read more...] about Little green men
It just wouldn't be Christmas without the Shockwave snowball fight. … [Read more...] about *splat*
need… music…
I've been so busy at work today that I've just now remembered to turn on my radio. Ugh. … [Read more...] about need… music…
Walk in my shoes
Want to know what writing is like? … [Read more...] about Walk in my shoes
USA owned by the French
Hmm. Vivendi is buying USA Networks, including the Sci-Fi Channel. Let's hope they're smart enough not to frell around with Farscape. … [Read more...] about USA owned by the French
Some people are just hopelessly stupid. Witness one moron's review of The Fellowship of the Ring. Apparently, Tolkien has ripped off Star Wars (Gandalf vs. the Balrog is just Obi-Wan vs. Darth Vader with the serial numbers filed off, you see) and Indiana Jones. I recommend … [Read more...] about Moron
More weird dreams last night. This time I was in my high school Spanish class with people from VP. Johnzo was both the teacher's pet and the subversive kid, the one who stole her keys to get them copied for future mischief. I'm off to a wedding today, of my college dorm … [Read more...] about Dreams
Jeff fixed it!
Jeff fixed it! Thank you, Jeff!! … [Read more...] about Jeff fixed it!
Under construction
I'm taking a break from cleaning to update the sidebar to this blog. I'd left out a whole bunch of people whose blogs I wanted to link, and the table looked screwy in various browsers. Still haven't found the problem that prevents this page from being seen in Netscape 4.x. If … [Read more...] about Under construction