Inspired by Favourite Favicons and new support in Camino 0.8, I spent the morning learning how to make cross-browser favicons work. Yay. A 16-by-16 graphic should not require three hours of research and code work, but hey, you can see the finished products here and at … [Read more...] about Morning ramble
Layout deconstruction
Someone I've been chatting with in the Textpattern support forum asked how I'd done this layout. I thought I'd post my response here… First I did a Photoshop mockup to get the layered look the way I wanted it. I put the branch in the upper right corner and then did a … [Read more...] about Layout deconstruction
For Writers
I think I forgot to announce here that the writing and publishing resources I dig up are now simulcast on For Writers. If by any chance you're reading for those posts and don't want to hear about my wedding adventures or web design punditry, you might want to sidle on over there. … [Read more...] about For Writers
Because if no one saw you do it, it never happened
Rumsfeld bans camera phones in Iraq. … [Read more...] about Because if no one saw you do it, it never happened
Wrath of the Slush God
Incurring the Divine Wrath and Garnering the Divine Favor of the Slush God. Most of this should be fairly obvious, but it never hurts to hear it from the slush reader himself. … [Read more...] about Wrath of the Slush God
The Edsels of the world of moveable type
'The Book of my Enemy Has Been Remaindered', by Clive James. I've been wanting to read this poem since I finished Bird by Bird, and PNH has kindly provided a link. (Check out Electrolite's spiffy new favicon, too.) … [Read more...] about The Edsels of the world of moveable type
Angel: “Not Fade Away”
Damn. Joss is hereby absolved of all past sins, including Buffy's seventh season speechifying and the whole Connor/Cordelia thing. Sign me up for the X-Men. … [Read more...] about Angel: “Not Fade Away”
Yahoo groups alternative
Help. I run a Yahoo group at work. I inherited it from the creator, who presumably set us up there because while the university offers Listserv, it doesn't provide us with the other goodies Yahoo offers—calendars, polls, file repositories, etc. However, one … [Read more...] about Yahoo groups alternative
Another attempt to rehabilitate Jakob Nielsen
Design Eye for the Usability Guy is not the first attempt to redesign the Alertbox, but it's the funniest. … [Read more...] about Another attempt to rehabilitate Jakob Nielsen
Cover letters for asshats
Teresa Nielsen Hayden has found some really dreadful advice on writing cover letters: Tip Four: Still worried? Never published anything? Lie a little. Yes, lie. A cover letter is a persuasive document designed to do one thing: entice an editor or agent to read your … [Read more...] about Cover letters for asshats