Trump dropping ‘drain the swamp’ slogan.
Transition Team & Cabinet Appointees
In the same interview, Newt Gingrich suggests that Donald Trump and his advisers could avoid the consequences of breaking government ethics laws by the President offering a blanket pardon for any potential violations. He also suggested the pardon could be used to persuade military personnel to carry out illegal orders:
Trump has appointed Carl Icahn as a “special advisor on regulatory reform.” Icahn is set to be punished for his dealings with Trump’s Atlantic City casino, but this requires approval from Chris Christie. Well, I suppose he can just be pardoned!
Icahn's expertise is asset-stripping: taking over companies and selling off their parts.
He's about to do that to the U.S. government.
— Leah McElrath (@leahmcelrath) December 22, 2016
North Carolina is at it again. They called a second special session to repeal HB2, the infamous “bathroom bill” targeting transgender people. Legislators persuaded the city of Charlotte to repeal its local ordinance, with the assurance that the state law would be repealed. It was not repealed. Republicans introduced a last-minute amendment that would prevent cities from introducing new ordinances like Charlotte’s for six months. They then split the vote on the two halves of the bill, failed to pass the first one, sent it back to committee, and adjourned.
If Democrats at this point don't assume today's GOP is malign, bigoted and anti-democratic, they're appallingly incompetent.
— John Scalzi (@scalzi) December 21, 2016
Previously, the NC legislature, which itself was elected via unconstitutional gerrymandering, voted to strip the incoming Democratic governor of most of his powers.
Other Fascist Nonsense
The UN wants to investigate Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines for murder. For context, see yesterday’s roundup.
Trump supporters are "surprised," "angry" that he might defund Planned Parenthood as soon as he takes office. https://t.co/QIMG5xqvFs
— Laura Bassett (@LEBassett) December 21, 2016
“Pissed as hell”? It sounds to ME like none of them paid much attention to what the candidate they were going to vote for was actually SAYING. It’s not new. He’s been saying he’d defund it since February.