We’ve been looking for a rug to put in the nursery. Well, when I say “we,” I mostly mean my mother, since I haven’t been shopping much for the last few months. So, every time Mom goes into a store where rugs are sold, she snaps a few photos and sends them to me.
Just now, she sent me this:
Internet, I have questions.
Why is the bunny wearing checked pajamas and an Elizabethan ruff? Why do his slippers resemble purple Jelly Bellies, and who told him those were appropriate for the ensemble?
Is it just me, or is there murderous intent in the way he’s stabbing that carrot? The look he’s giving you clearly says, “I am a deranged individual,” as if the outfit hadn’t already conveyed that message.
Lemon trees?
Who the fuck put a murderous Elizabethan bunny in pajamas on a rug clearly intended for use around children? And would any of you pay money for this object, carry it home, and spread it on the floor near your child’s bed? If so, call me, because my mom knows where you can get one.
It’s not just you, that is one creepy rug.
Reminds me of the deranged easter bunny :P
I am sticking with these theories:
a) obviously being a grandmother has addled her brain,
b) the murderous bunny is what happens when you’ve finally reached the last stage of sleep deprivation.
c) you’d be murderous, too, in that outfit.