I have been a coding fool this week.
The big news is that I’m now working on the LiveJournal Crossposter. If you use it, you’ve probably been pulling your hair out all week because it stops WordPress in its tracks when LJ is down. I’ve fixed it so it just shows you an error under the “Post published/updated” message instead. I had been tinkering with it for my own use anyway, adding support for userpics, fixing a problem with [gallery] tags posting the wrong images, and making it use a proper meta box (which means it now behaves like all the other boxes on the Edit Post screen; you can collapse it or move it around or turn it off entirely in Screen Options).
Since LJ was hosed, I decided to go ahead and release my version, and it’s now up on the Google Code site. I’m still waiting on the old developers to authorize me on Extend, which will let me update the plugin there and show everybody a nice auto-upgrade notice. (ETA 7/30/11: It’s there!) In the meantime, if you don’t mind uploading plugins by hand, you can upgrade now. (Note that old versions were inconsistent about directory and file names. This one is lj-xp
. If your plugin directory was called ljxp
or lj-crosspost
, you should either remove that or, if you upload this one alongside the old one, deactivate your old version before activating this one.)
I’ve cleaned out the issue tracker, so if you have problems with the new 2.1 version, you can post them there. The error thing is still pretty hinky — WordPress doesn’t have a very good built-in way to show custom errors, if you can believe that! — but I’m working on it.
(I know: LJ is back up now. I really wanted to update the existing version rather than posting a copy in yet another location, and it took a while to get my version ready and contact the old developers, who’ve long since abandoned the project. However, we’re in touch now, and it’ll all be much better the next time Russia decides to play DDoS games with its primary blogging service.)
On Saturday, I released HTML Import 2, as promised. (Actually a little ahead of schedule, so the WordCamp Boston folks could grab it.) This is the big update that imports images along with the HTML files, uses index.html (or some other specified default file) for parent page content, supports custom post types, fixes problems with special characters, and bunches of other stuff. It also has a spiffy new user guide.
Content Audit also got a big update. There was a compatibility problem with WordPress 3.2, which is now fixed. People had requested that authors not be able to audit their own posts, so I’ve added that feature. There were some big problems with auditing media files and with scheduling email notifications, all of which have been taken care of.
There was an issue with roles and permissions in Dashboard Notepad, so that’s been updated.
As I was digging through old code, I discovered that Assign Missing Categories and Mass Format Conversion both had some outdated stuff, and neither had ever been localized, so I took care of that.
Private Suite is somewhat outdated now that 3.2 includes some fixes for displaying private pages, so that’s up next.
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