You might have noticed that I’ve been pretty quiet lately. Sorry about that. I’m pregnant, and as a result, I sleep a lot. In fact, I pretty much slept through April and half of May. I’m still catching up with life.
So, yeah: we’re expecting! Due in December, and we find out what it is in about a month. Yay hooray!
We are already assembling our parenting library:
- Go the Fuck to Sleep! (audio, free)
- Let’s Panic About Babies!
- My First Dictionary (which has an excellent companion website)
Further suggestions in this vein are welcome.
Obviously you need the Heather Armstrong book “It Sucked and Then I Cried: How I Had a Baby, a Breakdown, and a Much Needed Margarita.” And might I suggest this one: “Raising the Perfect Child Through Guilt and Manipulation” by Elizabeth Beckwith as well? I also like these websites: &
Oh, hey, I have Dooce’s book! I forgot!
Congrats! Healthy sleep habits, happy child by Marc weissbluth has been an awesome (though poorly edited) resource for us to teach our baby to sleep. Highly recommended by me.