While I love my Dodocase, it doesn’t work as a stand on all surfaces. I wanted something lightweight that I could throw into my bag, but I didn’t want to have to pry the iPad out of the case all the time — the Dodo is snug.
I went prowling in Office Max to see if one of their business card holders would work. They didn’t have any I liked, but they did have some sign holders on clearance. At 2-for-1, I figured I could afford to mess with them.
I bought the 5″x7″ version of this Rolodex sign holder, although I suspect the wooden base is the same and the only difference is the plastic piece. I tossed out the plastic part and handed the base to Michael, who disappeared into the garage for a while and returned, covered in sawdust, to show me what he’d wrought: a widened groove that holds the narrow end of the Dodo.
Hmm. I am seriously considering asking you to make a second one. Does it support the iPad vertically (even though the dodo case does that already)?
No, it only works horizontally, and I’m not sure the base is wide enough to allow a vertical orientation. You could probably find another base that would work, though.
A 2″x 2″ cut down will do the job Fletcher. Steph’s base was made due to the Dodocase. I have spare material. I can do this faster than the boxes :) I still need to make one for myself.