I’m moving some old posts over to a new post type now that I’ve upgraded the sites at work to WordPress 3.0, and I needed a way to convert hundreds of posts in a category. The Post Type Switcher plugin does a nice job, but only on one post at a time. So, I wrote my own: Convert Post Types.
This is a utility for converting lots of posts or pages to a custom post type (or vice versa). You can limit the conversion to posts in a single category or children of specific page. You can also assign new taxonomy terms, which will be added to the posts’ existing terms.
Download Convert Post Types wordpress.org »

Oh, I can see this being very useful with the upgrade to WP3.0. Thanks!
It save me a lot, very useful. Perhaps WP Dev should make it to the core. Thanks for the plugin!
Glad you like it!
Hey, great work. saved me a lot of work.
First of all great plugin, saved me a lot of time, and i hope it’s going to save me a lot more time in the future :)
One problem: I’s not converting pages, well it says it does but if i’m am trying to convert all pages to a custom post type it says it’s done (no list of pages names is shown) but it does nothing..
For posts it works fine!
I am running WP 3.0.1
Any solution?
Hi Stephanie,
I was just wondering if you were considering updating this awesome (!) plugin to handle conversions to post formats when 3.1 goes live. I have a site with all of my client’s tweets stored as posts in a category, but would love to change them all over to the status format instead (and would prefer to avoid going one by one on several thousand).
Thanks for all your work. Cheers!
Very likely, yes.
3.1 imminent, is it correct that you have a an updated version of Convert Post Types ready for when it appears?
Sorry for chasing but I have 200+ pages waiting to be converted:-(
You just saved me alot of time, thanks
Great little plugin there, saved me a lot of time on a site revamp.
Any idea if this works with WordPress 3.2.1? I really need a plugin like this to convert a few hundred posts to a new custom post type and I’d rather not hose my db.
Yes, it works with 3.2.1.
Is it just me, or do all custom fields get lost during this process…? Maybe these additional queries aren’t a part of this plugin. Thanks for a fantastic tool. Please clarify if you can to save me and others from discovering what I think I just did. No custom fields?
I’d love this plugin, if I could set it up running ;)
I’m using WP 3.3 and have to change a mass of posts into a custom post_type. But an error occures and nothing is done :(
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare bulk_convert_posts_add_pages() (previously declared in /www/htdocs/xxx/wp-content/plugins/convert-post-types/convert-post-types.php:15) in /www/htdocs/xxx/wp-content/plugins/convert-post-types/convert-post-types.php on line 17
Is it me or has this something to do with the new WP 3.3?
I have the exact problem like you..
any workaround please ?
I’m getting the exact same error. Using WP 3.3.1. Too bad, because this is possibly the exact solution I need.
you saved my day really. i was finding trouble to post pages in my 2 site acmepanel and microearning. Thank u. hope to hear new tips from u
Potentially useful plugin, if it wouldn’t have truncated all my post contents to the first few characters.
Thank you for making this! I just ran into a similar situation and was dreading having to write a plugin to convert all the posts when I’m already short of time.
Your awesome!