My book is out! I got my author’s copies over the weekend, and this morning a friend reported that her copy arrived in the mail. So, even though the official release date isn’t until Wednesday, it’s here!
It’s very strange to see the finished, bound book. I’ve been dealing with it as a series of Word files for months now. Even stranger: signing copies! I sent signed copies off to the winners of the LibraryThing and Goodreads giveaways.
The complete sample chapter, [link id=”5293″]Working with Content[/link], is now online. If you prefer, you can download it as a PDF. I’ve posted a few other bits and pieces; you’ll find them linked from the [link id=”2846″]table of contents[/link]. I’ll post a few more over the next few weeks.
Since we had to send the book to the printers just as WordPress 3.0 was going into beta, there are a few [link id=”5285″]updates and corrections[/link]. Let me know if you spot any others; I’ll keep that page up to date.
Go forth and order your copy! You can also get the ebook from the Apress website.
Hi, Loving your book. I’m completely new to WordPress and really want to get set up as quickly as I can. My WooTheme doesn’t support featured images, and I’ve read in your book the chapter 6 instructions about how to do it – but I’m afraid I’m lost when it comes to php.functions file ! I wonder whether you’d mind giving me step by step instructions as to how to add it and then edit the other theme files. The two bits of code are short and sweet; it’s knowing where to put them that I can’t fathom. Would be really grateful for your help – I find that a lot of book authors encourage visitors to their blogs and then don’t reply because they say they are too busy; but I’m confident this will not happen here ! Thank you so much.
Hi, Cheryl. I’m glad you’re enjoying the book! Your site looks lovely.
You can put the
add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );
on its own line anywhere inside the<?php ... ?>
tags, as long as it’s not inside some other function orif/else
statement. So, if your theme file looks like this:… you’d add your new line either before or after the
statement:Take a look at the
file in the Twenty Ten theme as an example, and let me know if you still aren’t sure after that.thank you very much ! I think I understand – though when I go to add the line of code, I get a huge message in the Editor saying that I should not edit that screen. But Puzzled. Plus, won’t I have to add the code in listing 6-35 somewhere to make the thumbnails show up ?
I’m using Coda by the way if that helps. Keep thinking I should change the theme but I’m too new to know whether or not that will throw up other issues.. All I know is that my images area vital and have to be displayed on the home page – and that when I can work out the ‘featured’ section, I can have images on the homepage in that section too. It’s all a bit daunting and I’ve gota hideous timescale to get this up and running from my old blogger site (some content has been imported). I’m thinking that maybe I should ask someone to do these bits of coding for me – though maybe I can do it ? I have one month !!
What’s the message you’re seeing? Either there’s a permissions problem on the file and WordPress can’t edit it, or the Woo folks have added a warning to prevent you from accidentally breaking the theme. You might look into child themes (end of chapter 7).
Hi Steph, thank you for getting back to me. I think you are right; this is the message within the editor screen :
To make it easy to update your theme, you should not edit the styles in this file. Instead use
the custom.css file to add your styles. You can copy a style from this file and paste it in
custom.css and it will override the style in this file. You have been warned! :)
I haven’t yet got to chapter 7 – 6 is taking me a long time to understand !
I haven’t yet been able to upload a single image; either it’s too large or the size is ok and I just get the red http error message. Not very helpful as I don’t know what is wrong !!!
I do have a number of queries and realistically, since I need to have this really looking brilliant in a month, I might need some help. Do you undertake such work, or might you be able to recommend someone to me who could ? It’s just a one off commission; I have a wish-list and then I’m sure whoever does this work will have recommendations for me. Would appreciate your help very much – your book is extremely helpful and I’m trying to work my way through it but of course, it takes time. Thank you.
Cheryl, I’m swamped right now, but I do have a friend who’s looking for freelance work. With your permission, I’ll pass your email address along to her and ask her to get in touch.
Hi, yes please. That would be much appreciated. Thank you so much.