The once and future e-book: on reading in the digital age — “Indeed, it seemed that Apple, and Apple alone, had the complete package: a mass-market reading device to target–one that they owned, no less; an online store with millions of customers who’d proven their willingness to buy things from that store; unmatched experience negotiating with “digitally unsophisticated” (to put it charitably) content owners. One by one, the dominoes had fallen. It all seemed so inevitable. The e-book market was Apple’s for the taking. And then a funny thing happened: Apple never took it.” (via DL)
That was a very interesting read. I’m not sure I like his assertions that apple is the only one who can really push actual e-book-ness, although I agree with him that they are very poised to do it. I looked at the kindle awhile back but I was skeptical of it and its price tag is rather large, despite that a few people that I know who have it have nothing but good things to say. I could totally see someone reading a book on an iPhone though.