The second round of Novel in 90 starts today. This time I’m working on Marie’s book, also known as “the sisters novel” to my poor writing group, who’s been hearing me bitch and moan about this one for at least four years.
Right now it stands somewhere between 41K and 45K. I don’t know for sure because I have a lot of handwritten scenes and notes, and I’m not done transcribing them. I’ll be working on that on top of the daily quota. I might very well run out of book before I reach the end of the challenge this time, but that’s OK… if it happens, I’ll just tack on some work on the sequel. (This is a four-book series, if all goes well. God help me.)
I also have four or five research books to read as I go, because this one involves things I know nothing about, like hospitals and law enforcement. Yeah, I should have been reading those before today. I did start on one, but then I got caught up in a totally unplanned rereading of the Liaden series. Um. Oops? I’ll be having a little chat with my self-discipline… as soon as I finish I Dare.
The progress meter is reset. Off we go.
I deeply admire your discipline, perseverance, and attitude. You are truly an inspiration for me in so many ways.
More often an example of what not to do, I’m afraid! But thanks!