I think I’ve found the missing plot piece that’ll let me get a draft done. Cross your fingers.
I’ve been working through First Draft in 30 Days, a not-bad book with a misleading title (outline, not draft) and an execrable website. The book is full of silly little worksheets that make me feel like I’m in high school. Then again, high school was the last time I had any real self-discipline, which is maybe why I’m getting somewhere with this.
This weekend I actually have to hunker down and do the research for this book, which I’ve been meaning to do for, oh, two years or so. I have this weird mental block about research. “Oh, that,” I think to myself. “I don’t need that yet; I’m just noodling here.” Hello? I’m 45K into the damn book. I kind of need to know how the hero’s job works now.
Sometimes I could slap my subconscious silly.
In site news…
Archives: fixed.
Broken linkblog archives and feed: fixed.
Broken wp-recent-links plugin that fed the sidebar: replaced with a new post category and some WP template-fu.
LJ feed: about to be replaced with a gizmo that’ll echo these posts to my original LJ account, as soon as the plugin author updates it for WP 2.0.
Now to catch up with about a week’s worth of email. No, it seems, I can’t quite keep all the plates in the air.
Ooh, I want that LJ thing. How do I get it?
I sent you email. No one you havne’t answered it.
Plugin here. Doesn’t work with 2.0 yet, though, so you might want to wait for an upgrade.