“Camp Anderson, Apathetic Ags!
Whoopty freakin’ do.
We don’t go to stack or cut,
Reveille is just a mutt,
Midnight yell is for buffoons.
We SURE as hell don’t bleed maroon.
AAAAA…. whatever.”
That’s probably copyright 1996 or 1997 by the authors of Ewe Hall, whose names escape me just now, but alas, I don’t have the comic strip handy.
(If you’re not familiar with Texas A&M, just ignore this post… nothing to see here….)
I miss Ewe Hall.
I, too, miss Ewe Hall. I actually found your post because I was doing a web search for Ewe Hall. One of the authors was John Lemons ’96. I’m looking for him ‘cuase I’d like copies of his great strip.
I am also looking for Ewe Hall comics. Let me know if you ever find some online. I knew I should have cut more out of the paper back when I was in school. I like the strip about the roommate with an alternative lifestyle—he’s a canibal.
The authors were John Lemons ’96, Ed Goodwin ’98, and David Doyle ’96. Doyle was later replaced by David Hoffman ’99.