I got stuck at 3K for my NaNo novel. But after an entire weekend of being a bum, last night I came up with a totally new idea – new world, new characters, radically different style for me – and I’m loving it. I cranked out six pages of notes and snippets without breaking a sweat. This is going to be fun.
I remember the only time it snowed while I was going to school at A&M. I was on a semester of co-op, away from campus. Watching TV on a Saturday morning, watching the Aggie basketball game.
They actually cancelled classes and I was in front of the TV, further south, dreaming of goofing around in the snow at school.
It only snowed once while I was at A&M…I stayed inside most of the day but I do remember a girl sliding on the ice down the steps at Sbisa. Luckily she landed on her feet.