Hmm. appears to be available. New domain for me? is also open. If this site were entirely Buffy-centric, I'd go for it. … [Read more...] about
Chimera gripes
Until last week, I had two gripes about Chimera, but now that you can export bookmarks I'm down to one, and it is this: Chimera likes to eat form input for breakfast. Try using Chimera to type your blog entry – make it a nice long one – in Movable Type, and see what … [Read more...] about Chimera gripes
Scripty goodness
I've found a lot of nifty software and scripts lately. The best by far is the Word-Unmunger, which strips all the proprietary XML and CSS out of Word-generated HTML files – and, unlike Dreamweaver's "Clean up Word HTML" function or the Demoroniser, this one actually gets … [Read more...] about Scripty goodness
Rfelgiekorjifg, Sprite of Violence
Apparently, my demon name is Rfelgiekorjifg, Sprite of Violence. I can't help wondering if this script is smarter than it should be. … [Read more...] about Rfelgiekorjifg, Sprite of Violence
NaNo progress
Typed up all the stuff, finally. The grand total is 2100 words (so far), but 600 of that is in the notes. Not a great total by NaNo standards, but just right for my usual goal of 500 words a day. … [Read more...] about NaNo progress
Obligatory Buffy note
Aimee Mann's appearance was pretty good. While the songs she played are merely OK, I have to admit that the lyrics were particularly well-chosen. And she did get one of the best one-liners ever: "I hate playing vampire towns!" … [Read more...] about Obligatory Buffy note
New Novel, Day 4
I'm really going to have to name this at some point. I spent lunch today figuring out what the fourth sibling's particular talent is, and how he's going to be crucial to the plot later on. (I knew I needed him, but had no idea how or why.) Wrote half a page or so, plus … [Read more...] about New Novel, Day 4
New novel
I've been adding to the new novel, but it's all handwritten and I don't know what the word count is yet. Maybe I'll get around to typing it up this weekend. Wrote a couple of pages Monday night (new novel day 2) and one page yesterday (day 3), which I felt was pretty darn good … [Read more...] about New novel
Septic poopy red should be the official name
Dooce is always an entertaining read, but this post on the trials of home hair dye actually cheered me right out of a PMS-induced funk. That's some powerful stuff. … [Read more...] about Septic poopy red should be the official name
No more NaNo
I got stuck at 3K for my NaNo novel. But after an entire weekend of being a bum, last night I came up with a totally new idea – new world, new characters, radically different style for me – and I'm loving it. I cranked out six pages of notes and snippets without … [Read more...] about No more NaNo