Battlestar Galacticsimpsons … [Read more...] about Battlestar Galacticsimpsons
“Tonight I need your CSS”
Tonight I need your CSS — I didn't recognize the song title at first, but when I played it… OMG. This sucker was on permanent rotation on grocery store Muzak all through my teens. The parody is hilarious. … [Read more...] about “Tonight I need your CSS”
The Art of No
The Art of No — 'When you say "why" instead of "no", you open a design conversation that can help inform both sides. You also make it more likely that the boss will ask you questions in the future, which is all designers want. We'd all much rather hear, "Why did you make … [Read more...] about The Art of No
New Mac ads
The new Mac ads are just kind of adorable. … [Read more...] about New Mac ads
VM for $30
Veronica Mars DVDs half off at Amazon in case anyone still needs them. … [Read more...] about VM for $30
Stephen Colbert meets the press corps
Stephen Colbert speaks to the White House press corps, the President, and most of the important people in Washington… and tells the truth … [Read more...] about Stephen Colbert meets the press corps
Two-second late-night movie review
"The Thing Called Love." Came highly recommended; not sure why. Great music. Great cast, except for River Phoenix, who seems so vacant that I presume he was stoned out of his mind the whole time they were filming. As for the plot, well, it's hard to enjoy the romance — … [Read more...] about Two-second late-night movie review
Mmm, free web icons
Mmm, free web icons … [Read more...] about Mmm, free web icons
The BSG Miniseries in 5 minutes
The Battlestar Galactica Miniseries in 5 minutes (via Jed) … [Read more...] about The BSG Miniseries in 5 minutes
Covers — Analysis of book cover design. Great way to kill an hour without noticing. … [Read more...] about Covers