Plans for 2017:
— Jon (@TheLitCritGuy) December 13, 2016
What was Russia’s goal in electing Trump? A massive oil deal with Exxon, whose CEO has just been named Secretary of State. Oh.
The U.S. is finally waking up to the fact that it has been turned into a subordinate ally to Russia, thanks to Putin and Trump.
A year in the life of Trump and Putin. What a timeline.
“The Trump family’s dealings in the Philippines will set off a constitutional crisis on the first day of Trump’s presidency, if anyone in the federal government decides to abide by the law.”
“Trump has said his understanding of Russia is based in part on the 2013 Miss Universe event in Moscow.”
GOP leaders shield Trump from expanded Russia probe
This is a nice summary of what did and did not happen with the Russian hacks.
Transition Team & Cabinet Appointees
Oh, for fuck’s sake. Rick Perry is on the board of Energy Transfer Partners. Because of course he is.
How unqualified is Perry to run “the Department of Nukes”? Very:
But in recent years, the trend has been to appoint a Secretary of Energy with real technical expertise. President Bush appointed Samuel Bodman, who had a distinguished career as an MIT-trained chemical engineer before making a fortune in the private sector. President Obama upped the ante, appointing Berkeley’s Steven Chu and MIT’s Ernest Moniz to the position. Both are physicists. Chu has a Nobel Prize. By contrast, Perry took four chemistry courses and got two Cs, a D and an F. He got a C in physics. And a D in something called “Meat.”
Trump’s Treasury Secretary is supposedly a great businessman for turning around OneWest Bank. “Accountants determined the unit’s books were a mess. Eventually, the bank’s new owner, CIT Group Inc., discovered a shortfall of more than $230 million.”
Quite a few more electors have signed on to the request for an intelligence briefing before they vote.
The Trump campaign is threatening Republican electors.
Spoiler: they say they expect to be able to resume construction after Trump takes office. “He gets it… he gets what we’re doing here.” From Matthew Ramsey, ETP’s COO, in the recording:
“This is not really about water. It’s about environmental activism… they’re using this event to raise lots and lots of money.”
This meeting was held this morning–that is, a week after the nearby Belle Fourche pipeline broke. Memo to Mr. Ramsey: It’s about water.
Other Fascist Nonsense
The Department of Energy will not comply with the request to name climate scientists.
Russia hacked the RNC as well as the DNC, but didn’t release those files.
Russian hackers also targeted Democratic House candidates.
Did Russia also influence the Brexit vote? Probably.
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