So, a while back, I was working on a Delicious importer for WordPress. It’s an update of Guillermo Moreno’s plugin, which imports bookmarks as posts. I added an option to bring them in as links, which made more sense to me, but there’s a big problem: since the WordPress link manager doesn’t break up long lists of links into separate pages the way the post/page edit screens do, my grand plans to create my own Delicious backup (like my Twitter backup) ran aground while I wait for the link manager screen to get updated.
However! Since Yahoo announced today that it’s closing Delicious, I’ve dusted off the plugin, fixed a few little bugs, and it’s ready to go. Download the .zip file here. I’ll put it up on the plugin repository if/when it gets approved. Approved! Here’s the plugin.
Just keep in mind that if you have several thousand links, like I did, you might want to go with posts instead of links. I did; you can check out my new link archive at I’m messing around with a child theme of Twenty Ten for it.
I also updated the plugin to handle private bookmarks. It’ll import them as private posts or invisible links, depending which format you choose.
If you do choose links, you might also be interested in the Link This plugin, which is basically the Press This feature for links instead of posts.
ETA: I’ve created a theme for my link backup site, and Aaron Parecki has modified both the import plugin and the theme to use a custom post type instead of regular posts.
thanks for this. srsly. this made my whole week. creating my own delicious replacement has saved me hours of trying out other services and complaining on how they weren’t like delicious. :P
One idea might be to combine all of the above with WordPressMU and make an opensource delicious? What do you think? Might be a bit of fun?
Yes, but there are some issues with it. For one thing, sitewide tags are messed up in the current version (and don’t work at all for links, as far as I know).
That said, this plugin works fine on a multisite installation — like this one! — so if someone wants to take a shot at it, I’d be interested to see it.
Well done, Stephanie. I’ve been looking for something like that just now :-)
Great work!
Any chance of some paging on the links page?
I looked into patching that myself and decided it wasn’t worth the trouble — at the time. I’ll take another look, but I have a few other things to get done first.
Does the plugin add tagging functionality to links? Or do I need to use posts to continue using tags?
If you import your bookmarks as links, the Delicious tags will become link categories.
Minor bug report: when you import as Posts, when it’s all done the “have fun” link sends to the Manage Links page. Other than that, nice work :)
This is great! It took me less than 20 minutes (timed it) from subdomain creation until I had the site set up! Fantastic!!
I’m curious for those of us who choose to use the bookmark post type (not the normal post or links), is there any type of “Press this” functionality for that?
It looks like Press This Reloaded will do it, with an extra function in your functions.php file.
I had trouble with
so I used instead.
I thought that it might help to mention this to anybody else who is trying to use the plugin.
There should be a link to in the most recent version of the importer. If it’s not there, I’ve done something terribly wrong… :)
So I got my links imported as bookmarks, thanks to your awesome plugin. Now I’m trying to display them on a page. I’d like to display the descriptions, but the importer published the delicious descriptions to the “Notes” field. Does anybody know how to display the contents of the “notes” field while running something like the wordpress wp_list_bookmarks ?
I love your plugin. I’m running the extension of it that Aaron did, and I just have to point out that by using Feedwordpress, one can set it to get the rss feed from Delicious AND put that into the Bookmarks custom post type in that other version. The only hurdle in the process is getting that export from delicious, as if you hit their servers more than once with the wrong password they’ll lock you out for the day without much warning — and when you try to access the api url repeatedly they will give you a warning and then you know your IP is locked out. Best to get someone else to access it for you and send you the export file! (This is with the pre-yahoo version!)
But my quest to have my bookmarks into a wordpress site WITH tagging is complete. Now I can make a page for notes on a subject and include a list of the bookmarks for that tag. I’m going to post an in depth tutorial somewhere soon. Thanks Stephanie!
Is there a way by which, in realtime, as I create a bookmark on delicious it is published as a post to the blog?
Thanks in advance.
If you are interested into importing delicious feed into your wordpress blog, you should give a try to this: It automatically generates an “enriched” feed starting from your bookmarks. Once you have your enriched feed generated, you can easily import it by using wp pipes or any other rss import tool.