Today’s link is for Lisa! It’s Maureen Johnson on getting past “the Great Wall of Sucktitude.”
Sooner or later, no matter how lucky and talented and wonderful you are (whoever YOU are in this particular case) . . . you are going to hit the Great Wall of Sucktitude. You’re just motoring along with your story, blue skies above you and clear roads ahead, so you step on the gas and . . . . BANG. The invisible force field.
You can’t see it. You don’t know why it’s there. You don’t know what it wants. But there it is . . . the thing that is keeping you from going forward and it’s all “none shall pass” for no particular reason except to GET IN YOUR WAY. The job now is to figure out how to get over/under/through/around/other prepositions this invisible barrier.
Yes, yes. In lieu of writing any actual writing related to the novel, yesterday/today I wrote words of hatred and bitterness against the novel and somewhere in writing down every little thing that I hated, I found a little bit of stuff to love and to add in to it and ended up with about 300 useful words for yesterday. And a better idea of what to write tomorrow once I wake up again. So now I can go sleep, right?