I know, it’s been ages! How are you? You look thinner. Have you done something different with your hair?
Me? Well, I was sick for a while there. No, not hamthrax. Not even a virus, really; turns out the stuff I was on for back pain had some unlisted side effects. I’m better now. Except that my back hurts. Oh, and I’ve had a cold for two weeks.
Also, I was traveling a lot. I don’t know what I was thinking, but I wound up going to ArmadilloCon, FenCon, HighEdWeb, and World Fantasy all in quick succession, with side trips to San Antonio and Waco in between. One more big trip this weekend, to An Event Apart in San Francisco, and then I’m done.
And, you know, I’ve been busy. I’m frantically finishing up all my freelance projects because I have a book deal.
No, not for a novel. Don’t get too excited. Just a little excited.
I’m writing a book on WordPress! It’ll be out next summer from Apress, and I’m slanting it more toward CMS use than blogs, because, you know, WordPress is good for that sort of thing.
Look! It has a cover and it looks real and stuff! And it’s on Amazon and everything! That’s right: if you search for me on Amazon, you will find stuff.
OK, I’m a little excited.
So, you know, if you don’t see me around much for the next few months, I’m not dead… I’m just on a deadline.
Kinda blows my mind that I now know that there is a book, listed on amazon, by you, that I know you haven’t even written yet. I could go pre-order it before it even exists. See? That was my brain boggling!
Good luck!
To further boggle you: that’s how most preorders on Amazon work.
Also, my book is (theoretically) on a version of WordPress that isn’t even in serious development yet. Hooray for publishing deadlines.
boggles and falls over
So I know you’re a wiz with all things WordPress but seriously? Are you now a prophet that you can write about the next major version before its even done?!
I suppose you’re writing the core and the book will be in draft when 3 is being seriously worked on/released and you and/or your editors will be adding in the details?
I will boggle you a third time: 2.8 is the current version. 2.9 is just now in beta.
I’m writing about 2.9 and keeping an eye on Trac and the developer chats. I will definitely have to make changes later based on what happens with 3.0. For starters, the plan is (currently) to merge WordPress and WordPress MU in 3.0, and that means the installation and setup will change a bit, and the administration will be different if you go with the multi-blog option.
Oooh! I want a multi-blog option! You should make this fabled WP 3 happen faster with your future powers.
… yeeeeaaaaah, I’ll get right on that.
That’s awesome! Congratulations!
That’s really great! Congratulations
Oh My Effing G! You are so for real