I am a rape victim. Denying coverage to overcome that type of circumstance is unacceptable and immoral. Thank god me getting therapy and tested for AIDS and HIV every six months is over but for anyone who does need those type of services should undeniably be covered. How can you be denied coverage for something you had no control over that severly affected your life? Especially something as horrible as being raped. If anything, the rapists (if they are found, which mine wasn’t) should be held accountable for the costs needed to recover. Either way, a RAPE VICTIM should never have to pay to recover from the heinous acts he or she endured.
I am a rape victim. Denying coverage to overcome that type of circumstance is unacceptable and immoral. Thank god me getting therapy and tested for AIDS and HIV every six months is over but for anyone who does need those type of services should undeniably be covered. How can you be denied coverage for something you had no control over that severly affected your life? Especially something as horrible as being raped. If anything, the rapists (if they are found, which mine wasn’t) should be held accountable for the costs needed to recover. Either way, a RAPE VICTIM should never have to pay to recover from the heinous acts he or she endured.
Bullshit you knew what was going on. When you gott tired of it you called it rape