The Washington Post compares the McCain and Obama tax plans.
Foreclosed = disenfranchised in Michigan.
Alone of all Alaskan cities, Wasilla — while Palin was mayor — charged rape victims for their exams. The rape kits cost between $300 and $1200. The state legislature had to pass a law to end the practice. Charming.
Palin’s book-banning efforts. “Palin became mayor, her church was interested in censorship, and soon after, Palin asked a “rhetorical” question about how books might be excluded from the public library. When the librarian resisted, she was, at least initially, fired.”
Cherie Priest, no slouch in the political commentary department — remember “why don’t they all just leave?” when Katrina hit? — has a nice summary of the various objections to Palin.
Language Log examines recent Republican doublespeak via the Daily Show. The rhetoric is double-plus ungood, in case you hadn’t noticed. That Daily Show clip, though, stands as one of their best moments ever.
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