I’ve just finished watching all nine existing episodes of Pushing Daisies. I’m going to expire from love of this show. Poor Ned will have to hop out of the TV to revive me so I can go around pressing other people into watching it.
Writer, Front End Developer, former WordPress consultant
I’ve got all 9 episodes saved up on the TIVO. Once I watch Journeyman, Pushing Daises is next on the list. It looks like I’ll have all Spring to get around to it.
Yeah, Bryan Fuller said in an interview that they probably won’t go back into production on this season even if the strike wraps up this week. Grr, argh.
I’m glad someone else has finally managed to join the fold. I tried getting Mike interested in it but he didn’t take to it. I didn’t think to try and pass it on to you, sorry. It is an awesome show is it not? So off beat.
I think just about everyone in the old Dead Like Me group would like this one. Unfortunately we’re all sort of scattered now….
Well that doesn’t mean we can’t try and get some kind of group watching together when the show starts back up. I’d be more than willing to offer up my apartment for viewing.
It doesn’t help that there are no legitimate ways of acquiring episodes at the moment. WTF is ABC thinking, not putting this on iTunes?!
I’d offer up my place too.
That isn’t completely true. The ABC website, at least when the series premiered, was showing the episodes a day or so after they aired. That is how I managed to watch the pilot. But other than that yeah, no portable or shareable media.
You’re right, they do have some — the second one, and the last three. Not much good if you want to start from the beginning. Again, not sure what ABC is thinking here. (My guess: not.)
I have to agree. That is a strange set of episodes to have… it would have made more sense if they had only the pilot. rubs his head in confusion