So I haven’t posted much lately. Sorry about that. Here’s a quick roundup of what’s going on….
Michael finished his fall classes last week, did OK in both, and starts a minimester tomorrow, unless he can talk his advisor into substituting an old credit for this class. (ETA: He did! Yay!) His physics study partner has been providing endless entertainment this semester, as we watch her flail through the local post-college social scene.
Work has been interesting, in the Chinese sense. My office is involved in a project that has gone worse than any other project of its kind ever has before, or so we’re told. Thankfully it’s not our fault, and not our job to fix. Of course, we still have to deal with the fallout.
My family — usually reliable on Christmas plans — is in disarray this year because of Mom’s shoulder surgery (she’s fine, but in a sling) and my cousin’s upcoming wedding. Still not sure what we’re doing. Hoping it doesn’t involve gift exchanges, because I’ve bought zilch.
I have some family financial crap that has to be taken care of in two weeks or so, and I have a lot of reading to do.
We now have HD on our HDTV. Michael: “I’m watching nature shows because they’re pretty.”
He got scolded about his cholesterol last month, so I’ve been cooking a lot more. A LOT more. It’s taken an enormous amount of my time, but I no longer want to go out to eat because the stuff we’re having at home is so good.
some lightening-fast reviews:
Atonement, the novel: OMG slow. Good observations on writing, though. Seeing the movie this weekend, more than likely.
I Am Legend, the movie: I thought it was excellent, although the rest of my party ranged from “meh” to “ugh.” I don’t feel that I need to see it again… ever. (Parts of it were very hard to watch.) I’ll probably read the book.
Starfish, by Peter Watts: well. I thought it was very dark, and then I started the sequel, Maelstrom. I have a feeling my definition of “dark” is going to get revised before I finish this trilogy. I’m engrossed, though. It’s been a while since a hard SF novel really grabbed me. Starfish I could put down; Maelstrom, I think, is going to own me.
Back to the salt mines…
there’s a post-college social scene here? WTF? Why does no one tell me these things?
Hey now. I thought I_Am_Legend was very good. Perhaps I was not quite enthusiastic enough in my accolades?
Hubby and I proceeded to poke ragged holes in the plot later (which we stifled as much as we could when we realized we were doing so), but I thought Will Smith did an outstanding job. The music and visuals were lovely. What else do you need in a movie? Ok, ok, so it didn’t have Nathan Fillion or Jason Statham…