One of the good things about being mostly immersed in the novel is that I don’t have time to keep up with internet slapfights. Thus the current sexism/racism in SF donnybrook is a distant thing that occasionally gets mentioned by my LJ friends. The clueful people seem to have the idiots well in hand.
Either I’m getting better at this butt-in-chair thing, or this novel’s easier to write; I’m writing more each day than I did in the last round, and it doesn’t take as long. Some of these words might even be worth reading someday, after a good rinse and polish.
As of last night: 10K for Novel in 90, and 50K on the manuscript. (Some old stuff got cut.) Half a book!
Or maybe… just maybe… you are actually getting better at the practice of writing itself? It’s a practiced skill you know.
I’m proud of you.