I’m in Rochester, NY for the HighEdWebDev conference…. which is now over! I’ve been so busy since I got here that I haven’t had time to post. (That, and the wireless has been pretty flaky.)
This year I was on the programming committee, so I was in charge (with my co-chair) of one entire track of presentations. I didn’t get out of that room much! But that’s OK, because Strategy, Marketing, and Design is closest to what I do. I got to see a couple of the other best-of sessions during the reruns this morning. I love the fact that we have the presenters repeat those; it’s always hard to get around and see everything you want to.
One industrious photographer has been documenting everything on Flickr. Looks like he spent a lot of time in my room! He got some great shots of our trip to the museum.
A few people, including Matt, have been liveblogging the presentations. That’ll tide people over until we get all the presentations up on the web. Sarah also went around with my iPod voice recorder, grabbing some things I couldn’t see because I was working. We’ll see how well the audio comes out.
We fly back tomorrow. That’ll be a good time to take a nap, I think.
I have a bunch of things to look up when I get home, including Reason, a spiffy content management system that’s going open source. Check it out.
I have whitty and topical comments flying around my head somewhere but I can’t seem to put them together coherently. Reason looked interesting to me too, it’s on the research list when I can form a thought without needing a nap afterwards. Just wanted to say again that you guys did a great job. Say hi to Sarah for me and I very much hope you got home without as much turbulence as we experienced.