I took the entire week off, even though I’m not flying out to L.A. until tomorrow, so I could take care of lots of little crap that’s been piling up.
Crap vanquished. Whee! Also cleaned off the DVR a bit; caught up on Life on Mars and about half the House episodes from last season we hadn’t watched, and the Prison Break premiere — OMG! they killed [spoiler redacted]! Thank you, Jesus! So that show’s off to a good, if typically implausible, start. Oh, and picked up the Veronica Mars season 2 set. Lovely, lovely deleted scenes. They even made sense of all that Italian crap in Duncan’s bedroom in that one episode!
Now it’s out the door to dinner, as we have cleverly eaten all the decent food in the house, and then the packing sequence commences.
Back Tuesday, assuming there are no snakes on my plane.
Hi Stephanie. Nice meeting you at Worldcon!
You too!