So, I read Robin McKinley’s Sunshine this week (part of my coordinated attack on the TBR pile). I put it back on the shelf and thought about it. Did I like it? Did I not? I’m still not sure.
It’s about a young woman who works in a coffee shop. Her job is to get up at four in the morning and make cinnamon rolls, and then to spend the greater part of the day baking other goodies while an assortment of friends and relatives mill around the shop. She’s kidnapped by vampires one warm summer evening. Hijinks ensue.
Here’s the thing: I didn’t give a rodent’s posterior about anything that was happening with the vampires. The people in the coffee shop were fascinating; I want to know more about them. Sunshine’s magic unfolding — there were passages there that reminded me of Practical Magic in their understated beauty.
The vampires? Yawn.
This is possibly not the ideal reaction to a vampire novel.
Hehe. That seems to be my reaction to lots of things lately. Don’t care about what I’m supposed to, but all the background stuff? Oh yeah. Which may be why I liked Anansi’s Boys so much. Hmm.
Hey Steph,
This is off-topic regarding your post, and I don’t know if Michael got in touch with you or not (since he told me he forgot to call you), but I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind letting me borrow Season 2 of Babylon 5. I would call you, but I don’t have your number.
If you have a chance today (Saturday), give me a call at 979-575-6695, and tell me whether or not I may borrow it. We stopped at the end of Season 1, and Heather is dying to know how the cliff-hanger ends!
Have a wonderful day!