When one’s right arm goes numb from the elbow down, it’s time to drop the mouse and back away slowly.
After several months of being useless, Half Price finally coughed up several books on my research list. All at once, naturally. At least I got a free tote bag for spending more than $25.
Why is it that the novel I want to read right now is always the one that won’t be released for another two months? … or the one I haven’t written yet?
Web tip of the day: when choosing clip art for your site — if you must use clip art at all — it’s best to stick to one or two. Mixing FIVE mismatched specimens — stacking them on top of one another, even — is an excellent way to drive the reader screaming from the room.
From the archives of something or other: Little Red Riding Wolverine. Hee.
Just so you know, my insides are still displeased with me, but they lull me into complacency for a while before making their unhappiness known.
One more number right and I would’ve won THREE WHOLE DOLLARS in the lottery. Feh. (Yes, I know what the lottery is a tax on. English major. Nothing to see here. Move along.)
Added to TiVo: Hex, The 4400. Removed from TiVo: The West Wing. (No more to be had, alas.) Still on TiVo: 13 episodes of House. We’re even further behind than I thought.
Finished Poppy Brite’s Drawing Blood today. Have been meaning to read some of her older work, since I adore the Liquor series. Not a bad little book. I can see why a certain subset of readers have latched on to that particular atmosphere and persist in hounding the author to write more in it, although I prefer the new stuff. This contains one of the best examples of the utterly redundant epilogue that I have ever seen. There was a prologue, too, which made my internal editor twitch, but in this case I think it was more expedient to just get the backstory in a prologue-lump than it would have been to get pieces of it dribbled out over the first few chapters or something.
For my next trick, I shall read one of the many books I have borrowed from people and never returned.
Exercise: done, with somewhat less vigor than usual.
Housework: a nominal amount completed; nowhere near enough.
Errands: run, except for the one place that was closed.
Filing: if I vanish tomorrow, look for me under all the papers.
Writing: none today. I can feel the story-clouds gathering, however.
You mean your arm isn’t supposed to be numb from the elbow to hand?
I found a huge stack of books in my garage that I thought I had loaned to you. I’m rather confused.
And Nick wants to know what book it is that you want to read that’s not out yet. But he won’t post that. No, not him. That would be like actually admitting that these blog things exist, right?
It’s an ongoing thing — when I finished Throne of Jade, I wanted Black Powder War immediately. But by the time BPW arrived, I had just finished Mélusine. That has continued worming its way into my psyche, and now I want The Virtu more than anything in this world. Naturally, Kushiel’s Scion comes out first, and I wanted that more than anything a few months ago. I’m sure I’ll get into it once it’s here, but… argh, y’know? My brain does not seem to grasp the concept of bird-in-hand.