Sale alert: Veronica Mars season 1 DVDs are $23 at Target right now. The shelf says $45, but go scan it. It’ll come up half price. The local store had two sets left as of an hour ago.
Some thoughts on the finale….
While the rooftop monologuing was just too much — I would have liked the Evil Beaver revelation a lot more without everything else they added to it at the last minute — I adored the scene once Logan got out there. Not for any ‘shippy reasons, but because that last conversation between the two of them drove home the theme that’s been brewing all year, that Beaver is the anti-Logan. I mean:
- History of abuse? Check.
- Inappropriately sexy maternal figure swimming in her string bikini in front of ogling friends? Check.
- Abandoned by mom? Check.
- Ignored by dad in favor of attention-grabbing elder sibling? Checkity-check.
- Season-ending stroll on the edge of a tall structure? Check.
But Logan let himself get dragged off the ledge, while Beaver just stepped backward.
Great symmetry.
Whoa. I haven’t seen anybody mention that, and…whoa.
I still think Beaver’s flip was horribly over the top, but that intent, I like very much indeed.
Hadn’t thought about it that way. That episode went by way too fast. Must rewatch.
i . like . veronica . mars .