A misguided fanficcer has not only published her own work of Star Wars fic, but has made it available for sale on Amazon, for which she has been loudly disowned by the larger fanfic community. John Scalzi has, as usual, an entertaining summary of things, although the Nielsen Haydens have also weighed in amusingly.
Me? I find it absolutely hilarious that one of the sample pages you can view on Amazon is….
… wait for it…
… the copyright page.
In other book news, I ventured into Hasting’s tonight on my way to pick up dinner, and was rewarded: I scored a copy of Throne of Jade a day early. Which is why I’m up so late, and will be useless at work tomorrow.
Oh yeah, that comes out today!
Nick has decided that he can’t wait for you to buy it, finish it, and send it to us–he must have his own copy NOW. I find it too amusing for words.
I’m halfway through, and I’m gnashing my teeth over the fact that I’ll be busy with other things tonight and won’t be able to finish it.