Lovely. Would have been lovelier if we hadn’t been treated to the musical stylings of Manheim Steamroller instead of the dialogue during Lucy’s tea with Mr. Tumnus, but that’s the local Cinesuck for you. They got it straight just before he admitted [the important thing], so it’s all good.
Those child actors were killer. I’m still not completely sold on Liam Neeson as the voice of Aslan, but the growly bits were sufficiently… growly. Tilda Swinton is just about perfect as the Witch.
Michael, who can rarely be persuaded to read anything, is making noises about reading the book now. Score one for Mr. Lewis.
Cool trailers: Cars, Glory Road, Over the Hedge, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest. Several very tedious trailers as well. No King Kong for the first time in months. Amazingly, no Nanny McPhee either.
Michael shakes his head every time we pass the Final Destination 3 poster in the lobby. “It’s not the FINAL destination if there are THREE of them.”
(Oh, before I forget — was that Imogen Heap in the closing credits song?)
I say that exact same thing every time I see the commercial for FD3.
Can’t wait for Narnia. Seeing it in a week with everyone that volunteers at my church. Whee.
That’s interesting. We had sound problems, but in a different spot. We were treated to about 7 minutes of steamroller toward the end when the dryad was revealing the girls’ message to their brother and through the first bit of the battle. We got comps as we left the theater, but until they comp for babysitters too we’re still out of luck.
We got comps too, but… yeah. Typical for them. They dropped the sound from The Matrix on opening weekend during the red pill/blue pill scene and nearly had a riot on their hands. I’ll be glad when the new theater in Bryan opens.
Heh… Michael has just reminded me that they lost sound during the opening weekend of Fellowship of the Ring too, and everyone in the theater who’d read the books started reciting the dialogue from memory. He also says his Matrix showing lost both sound and video during the pill scene — the light on the projecter burned out — and everyone was just waiting patiently for Morpheus to show up again, thinking it was part of the movie.
Finally saw the movie this morning. Fairly good, but I was still kinda disappointed by it. Think I may still like the old animated version better.
And yes, Imogen Heap music in the movie (also Alanis Morisette).