I never call, I never write. Why do you put up with me?
The truth is, I’ve had nothing interesting to say. I’ve been working constantly, watching the new TV season while catching up on housework, and generally wearing myself to a nub trying to get things done. What the hell “getting things done” will accomplish, I dunno, and I’ve decided to take a break from it. So, hi. How are you?
Actually, I do have interesting things to day, lots of them, about some family crap that happened about a month ago… but I’m not airing it here. It’ll go into a book eventually, with the details so rearranged that no one will recognize it but me. And it’s better that way.
I am having a fabulous hair day. I should take a picture and staple it to my forehead so people know how this cut is supposed to look, because most of the time it looks like a well-used broom that I have retired from household use and then, for reasons unbeknownst even to myself, secured haphazardly to my scalp. OK, maybe not quite that bad, but seriously, today the ends are curling just so and it actually looks like a haircut that someone would have gotten on purpose.
Yeah, I know you all wanted to know that.
I had a great weekend. I was still sort of quietly squeeing to myself over the Veronica Mars premiere, and I sold a co-worker on it Friday evening by describing the VAST quantities of snark to be had if she’d rent the DVDs next week. I went to see Serenity with a fun bunch of people and had yummy ice cream afterwards. I hit the library book sale and managed to find a couple of cool things without spending much money. And then I curled up with the new Gabaldon and wasn’t heard from for the rest of the weekend.
Must do that more often — remember that weekends are for fun (well, and household chores) and not for working my ass off on things that are just like my day job except I’m getting paid less to do them.
Speaking of which, I do need to spend some time and attention on this site. The archives are hosed again, and I know why, but haven’t quite figured out how to fix it just yet.
OK. Memage. First lines from works in progress. (Swiped from absolutely everyone on my LJ list.)
See, I just knew that someday you’d remember that you had a blog and that you’d actually bother to write in it.
I want to see the picture of your fabulous hair day…and then I’d like to know which god to petition to get one myself.
I’m saddened by the fact that I recognize none of the stories you are currently working on.