I’m stalled on the novel at the moment. A new novella came to me in a dream, almost certainly as a result of watching too many CSI reruns on Spike while I was sick. I decided to let it stew for a while instead of trying to scribble everything down at once, since I know that scenes work better when I have them written in my head before I try to write them down, but this time it backfired and the whole thing seems to be slowly leaking away. I’ve written about four pages of it so far in an attempt to catch up, and it’s like mining diamonds with my fingernails. Each word is a struggle and what was so clear in my head is constantly out of my reach.
Added to that frustration is the knowledge that I can’t possibly sell this as it is. Maybe I can work it into a novel as a subplot, but I can’t plan for that when I’m fighting just to get the words down.
Ty says
Heh, CSI.
Amber has been watching those too. That week long “best of” marathon kept her in front of the tv a lot. But now I can buy the dvd sets of another show with complete support.
Steph says
It seems everyone I talk to was watching that marathon last week. It helps that there’s a crud going around, so everybody was at home searching desperately for something to watch.
I still have all of Friday’s on the Tivo, plus the regular reruns starting this week.