Barack Obama’s speech at the DNC. Required reading, or viewing if you have RealPlayer at all.
This guy is the first politician who has ever made me want to vote for something, rather than voting to get rid of the incumbent. I do hope he runs for president when he’s done kicking ass in the Senate.
I’ve got my eye on Obama. Mark my words, there’s skeletons in his closet.
You know, I’m sitting here trying to decide if I’d like him any less if he did. Short of committing a string of felonies and perjuring himself about them, there’s very little he could have done that would change the fact that I want that man’s brain in a very high government office.
Well the cocaine would be a(n unconvicted) felony.
Regardless, I get the feeling the press is building him up so they can tear him down. All the guy’s done is represent a black district in the Illinois state legislature. That’s not to say he’s undeserving of the chance to serve as senator, just that if he’s what qualifies as an upcomming Democratic star, the party has problems.