The helpful LJ_syndication community has provided a solution to the rebuilding problem. Now I can rebuild my entries without flooding your friends list with my old posts, so I’ve turned the LJ feed back on, and all is happiness and light. (I had turned it off after the great server crash because I knew I’d be rebuilding the blog about fifty times and I didn’t want to obliterate everyone else’s friends posts.)
It’s not well publicized and it’s not part of any of the default templates so no one knows about it, but each and every LiveJournal has an RSS and an Atom feed. Just add /data/rss or /data/atom to the address of the user or community. (Here’s Mike’s: RSS, Atom.) NetNewsWire will auto-discover the feed given the URL of the main journal page. The LJ syndication FAQ has more useful info on stuff like this.
I know I’m going to be a lot better about keeping up with LJ people now that I have them in NetNewsWire. For example, Plinko has succinctly and accurately explained the business climate and social hierarchy of Bryan/College Station to those who don’t get it. (Second section of that post.) Great stuff, and I almost missed it.
Now if LJ would just support feeds from friends pages.
Steph says
And the links keep on coming. Starred ones have been recently added.
chris. says
I wondered what happened to your feed. I was just about to write you & ask what happened when suddenly you came back.