It seems we’re all in agreement that this woman is a farking loony. Of course the Making Light comments thread is an unending delight, even offering up a few theories on Jane’s identity. And I feel compelled to quote from the Nick Mamatas link above:
The following do not necessarily make you wise: getting cancer, growing up po’, growing up wealthy but in a former imperial holding, having a miscarriage, marrying well, paying $275 per square foot for an apartment, extramarital affairs, being very well-read, having a blog with lots of readers, living out in the woods and peeing in a creek, worrying aloud about how authentic you are, declaring that you’ll leave the country if a Republican is elected, and giving birth to an autist.
(Update: Salon has received a lot of letters about this piece.)
John Scalzi’s long-winded (but practical) writing advice is about to get added to writing and publishing 101.
Mary Doria Russell’s website is back at last.
I almost forgot to add the Serious Writers LiveJournal community.
Texas readers, note that Jacqueline Carey is a guest at AggieCon this weekend.