I had some crazy dreams last night. In one of them, I was the captain of a three-person mission into space. I think we landed on another planet and did some poking around, but I’m not sure. What I remember clearly is landing back on earth (in a field of flowers quite reminiscent of my grandmother’s farm) and preparing to be chastised, even threatened, by our superiors. The other two crew members were close friends of my dream-persona. The woman acted like Lisa, but looked like no one I know. The man was nicknamed “Cricket” (I have no idea what his real name was).
We lay facedown in the dirt and waited for the other space workers to find us. We still had our helmets on, and they had grilles on the front like football helmets. Sure enough, we were taken to the main facility for questioning. It was set up for a party to celebrate our return, and I went into the kitchen and drank the Coke from several little plastic cups.
Even in my dreams, I have caffeine cravings.
I woke up without knowing how the story ends. Maybe I’ll have to write it someday.