This page refers to the 1.x versions of the plugin. For information about the current version, please see HTML Import 2.
This plugin will import a directory of files as either pages or posts, according to configurable settings. You may specify the HTML tag containing the content you want to import (e.g. ,
<div id="content">
or <body>
) or the name of a Dreamweaver template region (e.g. “Main Content”).
If importing pages, the directory hierarchy will be preserved. Directories containing the specified file types will be imported as empty parent pages. Directories that do not contain the specified file types will be ignored.
As files are imported, the resulting IDs, permalinks, and titles will be displayed. On completion, the importer will provide a list of Apache redirects that can be used in your .htaccess file to seamlessly transfer visitors from the old file locations to the new WordPress posts or pages.
- import pages or posts
- specify content and title as HTML tags or Dreamweaver template regions
- remove a common phrase (such as the site name) from imported titles
- specify file extensions to import (e.g. html, htm, php)
- specify directories to exclude (e.g. images, css)
- if importing pages, specify whether your top-level files should become top-level pages or children of an existing page
- choose tags, categories, and custom taxonomies
- choose status, author, and timestamp
- use meta descriptions as excerpts
- choose whether to clean up bad (Word, Frontpage) HTML
Requires PHP 5.
Support note: If you have a problem importing your files, please post to the support forum with a description or screenshot of your import settings and an example of one of your files. Without these things, it’s difficult to diagnose your problem. Comments on this post are now closed; use the forum instead.