The Road Home — "It is frighteningly clear that Mr. BushÃ¢â … [Read more...] about The Road Home
Quiet Structure
Quiet Structure — nice analysis of news site design from Andy Rutledge. … [Read more...] about Quiet Structure
NotWriting, day 2
I tried for several hours to come up with something to write yesterday, and eventually admitted defeat and went to bed. Tonight is turning out to be much the same — I've scribbled a few notes, but it's a scene I can't write until I've done some research and some … [Read more...] about NotWriting, day 2
Writing & Editing Demotivators
Writing & Editing Demotivators — simply hilarious … [Read more...] about Writing & Editing Demotivators
Independence Day
Because I could not say it better than he did, I'll defer to Keith Olbermann: If you prefer text to video, here's the transcription provided by the YouTube uploader: "I didn't vote for him," an American once said, "But he's my president, and I hope he does a good … [Read more...] about Independence Day
And so to bed
Despite the time stamp, this is the report for July 3. My personal rule is that if I haven't gone to bed yet, it's still today. And today I didn't get started until 1 a.m. New words: 773 Reason for stopping: It's 2 a.m. Sustenance: Raspberry tea Exercise: I bailed on the gym … [Read more...] about And so to bed
Pogue’s Awesome iPhone Period-Typing Shortcut
PogueÃ¢â … [Read more...] about Pogue’s Awesome iPhone Period-Typing Shortcut
Dear Mr. President
Dear Mr. President … [Read more...] about Dear Mr. President
The best Transformers review
The best Transformers review … [Read more...] about The best Transformers review
I’d rather be reading.
Well. The honeymoon is over; the words no longer come easily, and we are definitely in the "don' wanna" stage. And one of the other books is bouncing on its toes for my attention. New words: 908 Reason for stopping: snooze time Sustenance: Raspberry tea, sweet green … [Read more...] about I’d rather be reading.