42 Things That I Am No Longer Allowed To Do in I.T. … [Read more...] about 42 Things That I Am No Longer Allowed To Do in I.T.
Revision progress
I've been working on web stuff more often than not, so I'm going slowly through this, and I'm still on the first pass. Took the big pile o' paper to the coffee shop writing group this morning, and I'm now up to page 250. I'm crossing out lots of stuff — scenelets that never … [Read more...] about Revision progress
Win Heyer novels
Win a bunch of Heyer novels — the pretty new reprints, not the craptastic Harlequin editions. … [Read more...] about Win Heyer novels
William Sanders… again
Hey, fellow former sff.netters! Sanders' extraordinary bigotry is no longer restricted to the private flames group. It can now be yours for the low, low cost of a Helix submission! Honestly, the man is an embarrassment to the human race. … [Read more...] about William Sanders… again
On the (nick)naming of characters
Halfway-plus through Sherwood Smith's delightful Inda, I must pause and bitch: DAW, why O why did you not include the character list in the published book? Because, Christ on a crutch! In addition to the usual firstname-lastname thing, each school-age character gets two more … [Read more...] about On the (nick)naming of characters
There is just not enough facepalm.
The recent troubles here evidently broke the LJ crossposter… which is now fixed, and has just spammed my flist with the last several posts. Sorry, LJ peeps. … [Read more...] about There is just not enough facepalm.
A bookish day
Today is a good day. Ink & Steel is out. I think Bear was still working on this when I began reading her LJ, because this was the first thing of hers I remember wanting to read. When the Jenny books came out, I was like, "Eh. That's nice. But where's Will & Kit's Bogus … [Read more...] about A bookish day
Buy n Large
Buy n Large — a link for people who have seen WALL-E … [Read more...] about Buy n Large
Snow Leopard cannot get here fast enough
As if the hosting disaster weren't bad enough, my laptop is increasingly unstable. For months, it's been refusing to shut all the way down, failing on Time Machine backups, and generally being flaky. Today it's suddenly much worse. It has stopped recognizing my USB hub, and now … [Read more...] about Snow Leopard cannot get here fast enough
If geeks talked about cookbooks the way they talk about RPG books
If geeks talked about cookbooks the way they talk about RPG books … [Read more...] about If geeks talked about cookbooks the way they talk about RPG books