Oooh, it's nice to see Gunn get a little respect for something other than his fighting skills. The Fabulous Gwen is always entertaining, and I like that she's never worn out her welcome on this show. Connor grew a brain! And that final shot was the best use of a Magic 8 Ball on … [Read more...] about Thoughts on Angel (“Players”)
On the way to work this morning I had an wonderful idea for my work in progress: go back a few years and tell the story of how everything fell apart between the characters instead of picking up just before it gets better. (Silly me, to think that was the beginning!) How can I … [Read more...] about Wah!
Waste of time
Some days it just isn't worth getting out of bed. Back tomorrow. … [Read more...] about Waste of time
The ISFDB has finally gone public on its new server, This is what happens when you get a lot of old Cepheids in the university's IT divisions. I couldn't justify it in my department, but I knew someone could – and it worked! Buy Jeff a beer! … [Read more...] about ISFDB at A&M
Missing: one fictional profession
Last night as I was falling asleep I knew, absolutely and with great clarity, what my protagonist does for a living. Today she could be a schoolteacher or a tatoo artist for all I know. If you see a fictional profession wandering loose, corral it for me, would ya? … [Read more...] about Missing: one fictional profession
More than meets the eye?
I guess we should all feel a little safer now that Optimus Prime is on his way to Iraq. … [Read more...] about More than meets the eye?
Landscape printing
Ran across a hack for IE that forces content to print in landscape mode. It's a perversion of a proprietary CSS value that's meant for languages that should be printed right to left. … [Read more...] about Landscape printing
NaNoWriMo is for sissies
Found a new blog today called How to Write a Book in 10 Days. I think he's tripping over the blog format a little; the posts really ought to be read first to latest. Other than that and a couple of glaring typos, it's an interesting read. I haven't managed to get through it all … [Read more...] about NaNoWriMo is for sissies
Michael went to the gym early this morning, so I asked for a weather report when he got back. He said it wasn't raining, but there was a mist. I peeked out the window, and sure enough, it looked pretty hazy. Out the door I went. Judging from the wheeze in my lungs and the thin … [Read more...] about Wheeze
Just watched the Farscape series finale, and all I have to say is, bloody frigging hell! How can you possibly end a series that way?! Even X-Files had better resolution than this. Frelling bloody TV execs. I hope they eat crackers and die. … [Read more...] about Frell.