In addition to the plugins I’ve released on, I’ve developed a number of plugins for private projects.
- HTML Import mod for handling legal text files: imports legal documents as preformatted text
- Reversible RSS widget: displays RSS headlines in reverse order, for handling lists of upcoming events
- Email Everything: emails all users of the site when a new post or comment is added
- iTunesU eBooks: generates cached PDFs of individual posts, cached ePub books containing all posts in each category, and RSS feeds of PDFs and ePubs for publication in iTunesU.
- Course Post Types: an extension of the custom post type example from my book
- Dashboard Uncategorized: a Dashboard widget that displays all uncategorized posts; useful in a multi-author site that makes heavy use of categories
- Private Categories: a more specialized version of the private category feature in Private Suite
- Page Children with Excerpts: a collection of the various tools for dealing with page children
- taxonomy/post mirror and I Make Plugins extension for WP-Edu